Thursday, 15 March 2012

Folie Proposal

The aim of this project is to design a Folie in a location of your choice within the site boundary of Howard Smith Wharves. This project gives you an opportunity to study the site, analyse the context, and propose a simple architectural installation with a function. Your project should be an artistic investigation to find a way to communicate your message (subjective), as well as an investigation to provide a service for people (objective). You can consider this as an artistic endeavour to design a functional space. 

Folie Design Guideline

1.     This is a team project.
2.     Each team needs to have 3 or 4 members (no more, no less, not negotiable).
3.     Please sign up to a team with "Folie Project Team" section. (please scroll down to find it)
4.     As a team, you will prepare 3 sheet of A1 posters to be exhibited. See Poster Guideline below.
5.     There will be no presentation for this project.
6.     Your Folie needs to provide a space to help someone to learn.
7.     The Folie has to be at least for two people.
8.     The Folie has to fit within 5m x 5m x 5m bounding box.
9.     The Folie design proposal will be evaluated with design criteria below.
10.  The Folie needs to be designed with all design qualities described below.

Design Criteria: Your design outcome is expected to satisfy following criteria.

Folie                                                                                                                         Concept
Strong narrative should provide your own interpretation and description of your folie design. In other words, you need to create a very interesting story to tell about your design and its background. A project statement, up to 300 words, is needed to be included in your poster. Instead of relying solely on the text to describe your ideas, however, try your best to make use of other means (e.g. diagrams) to further explain your design concept.

Folie                                                                                                                        Context
Your Folie design needs to demonstrate a good understanding of its immediate context and beyond, including social, cultural and political contexts. For example, how is your Folie a response to the recent social and cultural changes? How did you respond to the geographical contexts such as the cliff and river? How does your Folie co-exist with the historical heritages such as Story Bridge and storage sheds? Your design is needed to be a response to at least some of these contexts. Express and describe them through images.

Folie                                                                                                                      Function
Your Folie provides a unique composition of spaces (interior + exterior) that provokes people to learn. What, how and when people learn is entirely up to you. It is also important to (re)invent your own description to explain what 'learning' can mean. For example, you can learn by reading, watching, listening, experiencing, imagining, testing, succeeding, failing, etc. etc. People also learn for various reasons. What does your Folie provide and how do people get the idea by being within and around your Folie? Your Folie is too small to offer comprehensive architectural solutions but it should 'activate' one's idea.

Folie                                                                                                                    Tectonic
Your Folie is needed to be designed with simple but creative use of structural members and materials. The choice of structure and materials should be considered carefully and rigorously by considering design qualities listed below. The key structural detail should be communicated with appropriate drawings (2D and 3D) to the extent the drawings

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Walkshop log.

My Group and I started at D block, Gardens Point. We headed out of the front gates and walked down George street until we reached the intersection of Elizabeth Street then turned left. We continued to walk down to the end of Elizabeth street. Half a block after Edward street we turned right into the courtyard area at the side of Saint Stephens Cathedral. From there we made our way to the side of the courtyard make opposite and out onto Charlotte Street, then turned left. We crossed Eagle street and found our way to the river’s edge (on the other side of Riparian plaza). Then we turned left. Continue along the walkway beside the river until we reached Howard Smith Wharfs.